latest book

Writing to Make Sense of the World

I firmly belief that if you know something, you should share that knowledge with the world. I do that through writing which helps me take all the thoughts bouncing around in my head and attempts to make sense of them all.

Most of what I write about is entrepreneurship and how the entrepreneur mindset can help you lead an independent life that completes you. My upcoming memoir is a departure from the standard entrepreneur book but it's equally helpful in navigating the morass of loving through tragedy.

Story driven outreach

Outreaching your idea to someone is a critical skill that feeds into so many other things. It’s the fountain from which all opportunities spring.

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The Entrepreneur Ethos

Thousands of companies get started each year to buck the trend, disrupt the market, change the paradigm, and put their own dents in the universe.

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Frustration Free Technical Management

By applying the proven techniques outlined in this book, you too can become a frustration free technical manager.

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8 Startup Dilemmas

Thousands of founders just like you fight these odds daily to be that 1 in 10 who makes it. The successful ones have learned how to navigate The 8 Startup Dilemmas All Founders Will Face. Now, so can you.

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7 PR Secrets

We wrote 7 PR Secrets Every Founder Should Know for the founder who wants to understand how PR can help an organization and how to make the right decisions about whom to hire and when to hire them.

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Business Basics for Entrepreneurs

Each topic in the book is covered in bite size pieces so that you don't become overwhelmed with needless content. Along with each topic is a collection of links to allow you to explore further so that you can gain deeper insights if you want too.

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A Little Nudge to Keep You Going

That nudge may come from family, a caring co-worker, or a special friend. But equally likely, the prod or push can come from reading an inspiring, empathetic book that shows you how to find your way again.

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